Don Juan Obit


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Loss of an Old Friend


    With both sorrow and admiration, we announce the death of the great Accoyo import DON JUAN. He was 20 years old in January.  The picture above was taken when he was 18 years old.  He still looked that good on his final day, carrying another spectacular fleece.

    His last day was sunny with spring on the way. He spent the day running up and down the hill, arguing with the young studs across the driveway and whistling at the girls across the fence (he was aptly named). The next morning we found him dead in his stall. I’m grateful that he was still well enough to enjoy every day.  I'm grateful that we had a chance to own him.  I’m grateful that we have many of his progeny in our pastures at CASA DE ARBOLES. He will always be my favorite. Proud, spirited, beautiful and gentle. He was everything a Macho should be.

    DON JUAN survived his cria and tui years on the Altiplano of Peru.  He was purchased from the Accoyo Estancia as a 2 year old and imported to the United States in 1995.  He was purchased from the import auction by a Colorado farm, and spent 6 years there until the entire herd was acquired by Magical Farms, specifically to obtain the four Accoyo import herdsires contained within the herd.       DON JUAN was purchased by CASA DE ARBOLES in 2008, and lived his final years happily on the green hillside pastures with a view of the snow-capped North Cascades.

Don Juan Females at Casa de Arboles

* Sparkles

* Jay Jay

* Belladonna

* China Doll

* Ricorrenza

* Donita

Don Juan Macho's at Casa de Arboles

* Don Giovanni

* Wild Bill Hickock

* Chongo

* Gunsmoke

* Donnie Boy

* Juan Colorado